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Children & Competition -NLC

Updated: Jul 12, 2021

Indian Abacus (NLC) National Level Competition is conducted every year, and 3 to 4 months prior to this, thousands of children start vigorous practice.

Research tells us that temperament, culture, talent & age of a child affect how a child handles competitions. Children are not born with this urge, but they learn it. Each child is born with different temperaments; some thrive on competition, some take it easy, but some

become really nervous at the thought of being evaluated or compared to others. Parents must be able to identify this part and encourage their children accordingly.

Parents must remember that competition is tough. Whatever side you take, competition is about winning and losing. If someone wins, one or more children lose. Losing is devastating, especially for a child who wants to win.

Being competitive involves quick decision-making, self-control, discipline, perseverance and maturity. Competition pushes a child to excel. Children definitely benefit as they learn about their abilities & limitations. Competition helps them to set goals, enhances their popularity, promotes self-confidence. Children learn perseverance, develop skills, handle loss

develop competence in an area, learn the game's rules, and learn to work with others.

Competition is a strong motivator. So let’s make use of the positive aspects of this

and help the child succeed. As parents, teach children to strategise, cope with defeat and disappointment, follow the rules, pay attention to competition ethics, stress on skill development for winning, and emphasize the importance of doing one's best. Parents must not relive their lives through their children and avoid over-involvement. Parents influence the competitive nature of their children, so do other adults, brothers and sisters and friends. So let’s try to keep a healthy attitude towards competition.

Remember, the rule is not winning the competition at any cost, but sharpening one's skills, attitudes, mentally and physically, not only to face the current competition but to prepare oneself for the future trials of life with the right attitudes, with fighting spirit, with perseverance

and without compromising on basic ethics//#IndianAbacusBasheer

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