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Patent Pending India & International (US)

The Indian Abacus & Indian Abacus - Digital, both Student’s and Tutor's versions - the devices along with the accessories, which are highly advanced in design and features to result in greater possibilities for the children leading to better visualization - the crux of Abacus based computation, needed to be delivered to the children for many years to come in a sustained manner. The Company has therefore registered for India and International (US) Patents for Indian Abacus & Indian Abacus - Digital, both Student’s and Tutor's versions - with the appropriate Governmental authorities at the National and International levels. The Patents applied for are pending with the authorities. Individuals & organizations of any nature are therefore to note that any imitation or copying of the invented tool Indian Abacus & Indian Abacus - Digital, both Student’s and Tutor's versions - partly or wholly, would become violation of the rights of the company leading them to face the consequences as are obvious according to the National and/or International Patent laws. (civil and criminal)

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