Abacus based Math and Skill development program
1. Using abacus, children are trained in basic arithmetic functions such as Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, attaining Speed & Accuracy. After a period of training using Abacus, children start doing mental arithmetic without using Abacus itself. This skill is developed by their using imaginary Abacus. The brain skills of children start developing from 4 years onwards in many folds. Proper training will make them develop memory skills and the same is thus manifested.
2. The hidden skills among children such as mathematical and other skills are brought out with the usage of tool called Indian Abacus, designed by the Indian - Tamilan. This method of skill development program was introduced by Indian Abacus in the country.

3. The Abacus used in the training program does not need Electricity or any kind of power. Hence this can be operated anywhere. The Arithmetic solutions are distinctly visible on the Abacus with the sliders in positions. Based on the Formulae, each slider in each of the rows has a value due to its position. Adopting this method, the sliders are moved to change its positions, in the process of arithmetic functions, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division at a high speed.
4. Research studies reveal that Left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for Analysis, Sound, Language, etc.
5. Similarly, the Right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for Integrated information, picture, Recollection, Creativity, etc.
6. Visualization Skills (Imaging skills) falling under photographic memory are one of the important skills for every human being.
7. The fingers and their movement for manipulation make the sliders take their due positions and form a picture with a mathematical value for it. Each child during their practice daily move 500 or more sliders daily. After a few months training, a few lakh sliders are manipulated and bead positions are visualized. Due to this, Right brain becomes very active and the imagery skills thus develop very well. The memory skills thus developed only make the objects and experiences are stored in the brain for recollection, whenever and wherever required. Thus the Imaging skills enhance the Memory and bring out the hidden skills in children.
8. In the children of the age group 4 – 12 years, 15 to 85% of the brain development happens. Training children at this age results in fruitful development.
9. Children using both their hands using the training method by manipulate the sliders for computation and through prolonged training do arithmetic calculations with Speed and accuracy.
10. Even the senior students, qualified graduates and other experts use for their calculations gadgets like calculators, computer based applications, etc for knowing the answers. Whereas the Abacus trained children do not need any gadget and they do their calculations using imaginary abacus, visibly moving the fingers (some even do not do that) calculate and come out with the answers in seconds which is possible only through this mode of calculation. Both speed and the accuracy will be maintained at a high level. Those who witness this are amazed.
11. Indian Abacus Mental Arithmetic program is a packaged program of the duration of 24 months, constituting 8 levels (each level taking 3 months in the normal pace and with good practice by the student). The duration of the class will be 2 hours and once a week. The other days the child will have to spend 15 minutes, minimum per day, preferably in the morning and before their academic studies
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