3rd Indian Abacus National Level Abacus based Tournament - 13th July 2019

"The Biggest & the most Competitive National Level Abacus based Tournament is held every year for the Indian Abacus students in India. It is unique in its own way. The students are tested after rigorous practiceover year. It is the most awaited event every year for Indian Abacus students" says Mr.N. Basheer Ahamed, the Chairman and Managing Director, Indian Abacus Pvt. Ltd., Global Head office, Chennai.
Each student is given a set of 200 questions to be answered in just 8 minutes, which is a tough task for adults whereas it is a game for Indian Abacus students.Indian Abacus authorized centres take several sessions of practice before the competition – at least for a period of 5 months – to prepare the students to get the winning edge. The best performers in the centres are selected for the National tournament to be held inChennai Trade Centre, Nandambakkam, Chennai.Hence this tournament paves way for participation in National & International level Indian Abacustournaments. Their speed in doing 200 sums accuratelyis the actual exhibits of their CONCENTRATION levels to manipulate the images in converting numbers using the formulae. It’s a number game and they play it effortlessly. Around 4000 Children will be participating in the mega tournament to be held on 13th July 2019this year.
The students will be offered with Free Juice/Water Bottles by Indian Abacus
organizers. The tournament is categorised based on age & course level in Indian Abacus Program which is spread over 8 levels. The first round of competition will start at 8.30 AM on that day. It will be an eye opening experience to see the small kids fightingagainst time to become the Best performer.
A team of 250 people including Franchisees &Abacus tutors belonging to the whole country will help tomanage the event such as checking question papers androll numbers in the form of Bar Codes stickers which are pasted on each question paper. A special software using Bar Codes system has been developed by Indian Abacus to process resultsspeedily & do away with human errors in declaring results.
3 Nos of 10 X 12ft LED display units will be installed for running different Indian Abacus presentation videos in the examination hall. The entire event will becovered by print media & electronic mediarepresentatives. The prize distribution ceremony will be held on the same day at the competition venue.